
EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION DAY - 25 FEBRUARY 2016 - 24 February 2016


The 'Employee motivation: Who came out on top in 2015?' survey indicated that a staggering 34% of employees did not feel motivated at work even once last year. In fact, only 24% of surveyed employees said that motivation was part of their work life. Needless to say, lack of motivation has a negative impact on productivity, job satisfaction, and career development. If barely a third of employees feel motivated at work, what does that mean for businesses? How can managers boost employees' motivation and their own? Perhaps dedicating a working day to incentivise everyone is the answer.
Employee Motivation Day (EMD) was established by Argos for Business last year as the first of its kind in the UK. Since then, hundreds of companies have taken part and embraced the motivational spirit of the event. With a catchphrase like "Designed to make Britain's workforce feel Great again", EMD truly sounds like an exciting way to spend the 25th February.
If you are a boss, EMD is a great way to recognise the great work your employees do and in turn get some appreciation for your own hard work. Whether you organise a work getaway or thanking your employees for a job well done, showing your appreciation is must for increasing motivation at the workplace. There are many ways to empower your staff and inspire action. All of these require planning and knowledge about the needs and expectations of the business and its employees. Of course, motivation is not just for a day. Businesses need to make lasting changes that keep employees happy and motivated long-term.
Download your free Motivation Resource Pack here and get motivated this February!

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