In the 21st century, working from home is just as popular as working in the office. Be it freelance contractors who are able to carry out the majority of their role from the comfort of their armchair, through to an office worker who wants flexible working.
The benefits of this are that you don't have too far to travel and you can be at work within a matter of seconds. But there are also cons;
For example, what do you do when you want to meet with prospective clients? Unless you have a home that looks ready for business 24 hours a day, obtaining new business could be a problem.
There is also the environment to consider. You will no doubt find that on certain days you have no end of distractions. The telephone could ring frequently; the disturbance from appliances could begin to grate after a while, not to mention the distractions of the television. When added together, it can really pressure on you from a productivity viewpoint.
Nobody should rent a full office if they do not have the budget, but there are so many options available in this modern age.
If you're not able to locate office space that meets your requirements, why not let an expert locate one for you. You will be able to discuss your budget and requirements and finally embrace that new working atmosphere.
Call Foxhall Business Centres on 0800 027 4832 and help us help you today!